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Membership shall be open to all persons whose objectives are in accordance with Article II.
Regular Members in good standing are those whose International and Chapter dues have been paid to the Chapter. Through this Chapter, which shall be known as their Primary Chapter, they may exercise International and Chapter voting privilege, and hold office.
A Regular Member in good standing who relocates residence may transfer from one Primary Chapter to another new Primary Chapter upon presentation of a current Membership Card or receipt for the current year’s dues.
Associate : A Regular Member of a Primary Chapter may join other Chapters by paying only the Chapter dues; such Members shall not have International and Chapter voting privileges in those other Chapters, and may not hold office in those Chapters.

Honorary Members

Honorary membership in the Chapter may be extended by the Chapters to those individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the Chapter.
Honorary Membership in individual Chapters is based on criteria established by the Chapter.
International dues for this Chapter's Honorary members shall be paid by their sponsoring Chapter.
The International Board of Directors may exempt a new Chapter for up to three years from paying International dues for one Honorary Member.
Honorary members shall have, without payment of Chapter dues, all the privileges of Chapter Members with the exception of voting and holding office. An Honorary Member may become a Regular Member by paying the International and Chapter dues, and then would be able to vote and hold office.

Business Year and Dues

The business year shall be from July 1 through June 30. 
Dues for each Regular Member shall be (a) equal to 6,000 JPY for international dues and (b) 5,000 JPY per member for Nagoya Chapter #100's operating expenses. The total amount of dues required per Member, shall be presented by the Treasurer to the Chapter Board for approval at the May Chapter Board Meeting at the latest.
Regular Members who have a current Membership Card or receipt for current membership dues, and who relocate residence to another location shall be accepted as Members of their new Primary Chapter in good standing for the remainder of the year.
Honorary Members shall be exempted automatically from payment of Chapter dues.
Membership shall be terminated automatically if a Member's annual dues have not been paid by July 1. Membership can be reinstated upon payment of current dues, and subsequent issues of publications will be sent and back issues of publications will be sent if available.
Membership dues shall not be refunded for any reason including resignation, expulsion or death.

支部長 President 野畑 光風 Kofu Nobata
第一副支部長 (広報委員長) 1st Vice-President 中川 閑雅 Kanga Nakagawa
第二副支部長 (企画委員長) 2st Vice-President 小川 珊鶴 Sankaku Ogawa
第三副支部長 (会員委員長) 3st Vice-President 中村 翠香 Suika Nakamura
財務担当(会計) Treasurer 豊田 白静 Hakusei Toyoda
議事記録担当 Recording Secretary  西川 翠春 Suisyun Nishikawa
通信書記担当 Coresponding Secretary 岡田 佳子 Keiko Okada
史料担当 HIstorian 土田 悠白庵 Yuhakuan Tuchida
監 事 Supervisor 籏 和恵 Kazue Hata
I.I.名古屋支部相談役 Nagoya Chapter Advisors  
神田 美保子 Mihoko Kanda